Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dr Allan Ooi's Obituary - Government's Policy

this posting really mean "serious business" for the army. it's very contradicting and confusing. indirectly forcing hopelessness and then hypocritically sending their sympathies. truly unique indeed!!

Alfrescian Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 55
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Dr Allan Ooi's Obituary - Government's Policy


Much have been said in the thread on "Dr Allan Ooi’s farewell letter and last word before his death: Questions for SAF" and the main thrust of blogger's views had been centred on the pros and cons of scholarship bond.

However, I have questions for Mindef or any government officials who can answer the undermentioned questions:

For the record, this is not meant to have any disrespect for the late Dr Allan Ooi nor to his family who are grieving for a loss son and family member.

It is a known and undisputed facts that Dr Ooi was an army deserter and went AWOL (Absence without Official Leave) for several months. As an AWOL personnel, he is wanted by the authorities and any police stop and search, his name will appear on the police wanted list as well as a warrant of arrest would have been issued against him.

In other words, he is wanted for a criminal offence under the SAF Act for going AWOL.

As a wanted man, he is going to face imprisonment if convicted in a court martial or maybe in a civilan criminal court. He would have faced shame and humiliation if he is convicted had he been alive as he would have to serve imprisonment.

My question to the government is this:

Why is Mindef Chief of various forces advertising in the Obituary Section of The Straits Times sending their condolences to the late Dr Ooi when he is a wanted criminal for AWOL in the army.

What message is the government sending to the general public that even a wanted criminal can be "celebrated" and condolences messages sent even for an AWOL personnel. Is the government going to put up an obituary sending condolences messages if the deceased had committed muder assuming he had been a high ranking military officer and a scholar as well.

Kindly clarify the government stand as it had been a hot topic in the public.

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